Automatic Revolving Doors
Automatic revolving doors are perfect for malls and stores as the doors are designed to handle large and continuous foot traffic. Many hotels, shopping centers, and office blocks are now using automatic revolving doors. The added benefit of the automatic revolving door is that they can be tailor-made to your storefront and to accommodate shopping trollies.he automatic revolving door is popular as it allows you to control the speed of the continuous foot traffic in and out of your premises. The pace of the revolving door will avert the potential for dangerous overcrowding scenarios during peak hours, but at the same time allow for a steady flow of people in and out of the building. Also, revolving doors manages to make access and exit to the building easy no matter the space constraints you have to take into consideration. The other advantage of using an automatic revolving door is that they create a seal and get rid of any draught in severe weather conditions. In winter conditions, a revolving door will create a seal whether open or closed and reduce heat loss in the building. Revolving doors allow you to maintain a constant temperate climate within your business premises. Reception employees benefit greatly from automatic revolving doors as they are not greeted by severe weather conditions, cold or wind everytime the doors of the premises are opened.